Seeing Blocks and Crypto Bros installed in Telematic San Francisco, CA, 2018.

The Everyday Maths

Book, 50pp. 6” x 6”, 2013.


The Everyday Maths reinterprets diagrams found in the mathematics textbooks that Berdugo studied while obtaining a degree in abstract mathematics. The Everyday Maths investigates the tension between what the mathematician has the capacity to understand and what the layperson has the capacity to imagine. Sometimes the text points to the obvious associations (a warped taurus becomes a masticated donut), yet other times the connections are more obscure (a closed jagged shape becomes an opportunity to consider the arbitrariness of national borders). These diagrams -- each having its own revisioned title, body text, and figure label -- provide an access point to the specialized mathematical material such as topology, set theory, and abstract algebra that would otherwise remain quarantined behind the boundaries of knowledge-based access.


The Everyday Maths is available for purchase at SPD >>

Read an excerpt at Anomalous 8, pp. 54-58 >>


Essay Daily


The Everyday Maths was selected as the 2013 Anomalous Press Chapbook Competition Winner by Cole Swensen.


OURKEA, 2015


The Zoom Series, 2012-13