Internet Aerobics
Participatory Performance and Video, 2018-20.
Internet Aerobics is a 20-minute aerobics workout routine about the Internet. Aerobics moves embody multiple facets of online life, with packets of information speeding through wifi networks, routers, data centers, fiber optic cables -- often at different speeds due to the lack of net neutrality laws. In Internet Aerobics, aerobics props of long, blue ethernet cables are used, and hyperlink blue is celebrated as the color of online opportunity -- of links that have not yet been clicked. This workout routine is an invitation to embody internet infrastructure while thinking about and moving through the very makeup of the Internet, itself.
Internet Aerobics was originally commissioned as a live performance for MediaLive Festival at the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art (2018). A new, streaming version of this piece was thereafter commissioned for Heavy Breathing A/V (2020).
Exhibitions + Screenings
“Perceptions / Distortions,” Boston Cyberarts Gallery, Boston, MA. Jan 8 - Feb 14, 2021.
“FUTURE-FRAMED WORKS,” Unrequited Leisure, Nashville, TN (online). May 1-31, 2020.
“HB/AV,” Heavy Breathing, San Francisco, CA (online). March 2020.
“MediaLive 2018: Interdependence,” Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, Boulder, CO. May 18 2018.
Excerpt from Internet Aerobics, 2020. View the full video >>

Participants of Internet Aerobics exercise with ethernet cables at MediaLive festival, Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art (2018).